Dr Guha writes widely for a range of media publications about a broad range of psychology, health, and social justice related topics, largely designed to support the lay reader with understanding complex psychological phenomena. Her work has appeared in media outlets internationally. She also engages in mental-health related media consultancy work, and has appeared on a range of podcasts, radio channels, and TV shows.



The long road to real mental health. Saturday Paper, June 2022.

Letter from a forensic psychologist. Saturday Paper, May 2024.


To speak or not to speak: Social media and the activism question. GR Online, February 2024.

Psychobabble: The rise of therapy speak. Griffith Review, Edition 84, May 2024.


I'm 35 and got the AstraZeneca vaccine. Here's why. ABC Everyday, July 2021.

The pandemic has laid bare the fragility of the Western psyche. ABC Religion & Ethics, July 2021.

What it's been like to be a psychologist during the COVID pandemic. ABC Everyday, August 2021.

How does co-parenting work after a harmful relationship? ABC Everyday, September 2021.

Radical acceptance and the COVID-19 pandemic. ABC Religion & Ethics, September 2021.

Stalking behaviour — early warning signs and why people do it. ABC Everyday, October 2021.

A psychologist on how to get the most out of therapy. ABC Everyday, November 2021.

Understanding borderline personality disorder. ABC Everyday, November 2021.

How to keep living with uncertainty as we learn more about Omicron. ABC Everyday, November 2021.

Setting a new year's resolution for 2022? Lowering your expectations might be a good idea. ABC Everyday, January 2022.

Navigating social gatherings with friends and family during Omicron. ABC Everyday, January 2022.

How to manage guilt and shame when you've spread COVID to someone else. ABC Everyday, January 2022.

What does a panic attack feel like and how do you support someone through one? ABC Everyday, February 2022.

Returning to the office? You need to be kind to yourself. ABC Everyday, May 2022.

To smile, or not to smile: Some thoughts on facial expressions, power, and social change. ABC Religion & Ethics, February 2022.

A psychologist on how to get through another difficult year. ABC Everyday, July 2022.

‘R U OK’ Day: Ways to help when someone shares they’re struggling. ABC Everyday, August 2022.

Want to do something good for your mental health? Ditch the new year's resolutions. ABC Everyday, December 2022.

The darker side of complex trauma: How psychology can help us understand the conflict surrounding Israel and Palestine. ABC Religion & Ethics, October 2023.


A broad definition of trauma is useful; an open-ended one isn’t. Psyche, May 2022.


In search of closure. Breathe Magazine, Issue # 44.

Emotional healing. Breathe Magazine, Issue # 45.

Naturally discordant. Breathe Magazine, Issue # 46.

Lines of thought. Breathe Magazine, Issue # 48.

Ways to find meaning. Breathe Magazine, Issue # 49.

In a world. Breathe Magazine, Issue # 50.

Physical education. Breathe Magazine, Issue #51.

Up against it. Breathe Magazine, Issue # 52.

Open talk. Breathe Magazine, Issue # 52.

Attachments available. Breathe Magazine, Issue # 53.


What people ask when they find out I’m a forensic psychologist. SBS Voices, June 2021.

How I handle racism at work. SBS Voices, October 2021.

It's OK to feel bad without thinking 'other people have it worse'. SBS Voices, October 2021.

Next year, I won't be rushing to 'make up for lost time'. SBS Voices, December 2021.

What Diwali celebrations mean to me as a psychologist. SBS Voices, October 2022.

The red flags that tell you a romantic partner may inflict harm. SBS Voices, March 2023.

How I deal with the perceived ‘impurity’ of women’s bodies. SBS Voices, June 2023.


Talking about consent is not enough. The Age, March 2021.


Overwork comes at a cost – in particular in a pandemic. The Guardian, September 2021.

Bad sleep, nightmares, fatigue, poor appetite. After a difficult few years, therapists are burnt out. Guardian, October 2022.

Now that the Medicare psychologist sessions have been cut, I worry about my clients. Guardian, December 2022.

Queensland’s harsher jail penalties for young offenders may increase violent crime, not reduce it. Guardian, January 2023.

I’ve just had a personal reminder how positive events can cause stress too. Thinking ‘I shouldn’t feel this way’ never helps. Guardian, April 2023.

The polarised discourse on the Middle East is hurting us. We must find ways to listen across the divide. Guardian, October 2023.

Advice articles, on everything from mental health to relationships, have exploded. Do we feel the world is out of control? Guardian, January 2024.

Untangling the effects of childhood trauma is essential to finding the correct diagnosis. Guardian, March 2024.


Of Prisons and Pathos, hosted at Psychology Today.


The Anxiety Project, ABC, 2022.

Dr Ahona Guha works with stalkers. Australian True Crime podcast episode, May 2021.

No one is a monster: What a clinical psychologist thinks we should know about violence. Australian True Crime podcast episode, June 2022.

We need to talk about complex trauma. Australian True Crime podcast episode, March 2023.

3CR interview about debut book, Reclaim. March 2023.

Psychologist launches book to shine a light on complex trauma. Inner City News, February 2023.

Hope for healing and recovery for Complex Trauma with Dr Ahona Guha. Get Real, ERMHA365 podcast, March 2023.

Dr Ahona Guha on understanding trauma, finding ways to heal, and recognising that trauma impacts us all. Human Cogs ep 69, April 2023.

Dr Ahona Guha on complex trauma. Better Reading (Be Better) podcast, April 2023.

Trauma is trending – but we need to look beyond buzzwords and face its ugly side. The Conversation, May 2023.